If you're a current resident, you can send feedback to management here!
Heritage Court Apartments in Bellefontaine, Ohio, is a well-maintained, low-income housing apartment community. Rent is based on income. Tenants pay approximately one third of their monthly income as a monthly rental payment. The federal government provides rental subsidy through the Section 8 Rental Assistance Program.
You may obtain a rental application by clicking on the link below, or by calling, visiting, or emailing the rental office. The office is open to the public from 9-4p weekdays.
Alexa Somogyi, Property Manager
Heritage Court Apartments
1000 Heritage Court
Bellefontaine, OH 43311
937-592-9695 (phone)
937-592-5716 (fax)
Our apartment features:
Unit Type | Bathrooms | Square Feet |
1 BR Apartment | 1 | 560 |
2 BR Apartment | 1 | 681 |
2 BR Townhome | 1 | 810 |
3 BR Townhome | 1 | 1014 |
1 BR Apartment | 1 | 640 |
2 BR Apartment | 1 | 800 |
3 BR Apartment | 1 | 945 |
We are committed to compliance with fair housing laws and do not engage in unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, disability or any other characteristic protected by law. We do reserve the right to have differences in policies at our different properties, and to treat some people differently than others, based on lawful criteria. Lawful reasons we may treat people differently include, but are not limited to: rental history, credit record, criminal history, income, illegal drug use, etc. Upon request, we will make reasonable accommodations to rules, policies, practices, or services, and allow reasonable physical modifications, when required to give persons with disabilities access to and use of our property. We may require execution of an addendum regarding the approval and implementation of accommodations or modifications and any restoration obligations. This is a good faith statement of our intent to abide by applicable fair housing laws. This statement is not intended to and does not expand, extend, or create any legal obligation, right, or remedy for us or for you beyond those independently imposed by applicable fair housing laws (including, without limitation, by contractually extending any statute of limitations).